Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Stupid Freedom Tower

I HATE the new WTC building. (, registration required.)

Also, this is a terrific article on the planned Supreme Court nomination battle. It talks about the ways the two sides are gearing up for a fight before any nominee is announced.

Opening paragraphs:

Within a day after President Bush taps a Supreme Court nominee, a conservative group with an $18 million budget for the confirmation fight plans to be on the air with a heartwarming ad featuring vintage photos of the candidate to try to cement a sympathetic portrait.

An abortion rights group is poised to shoot a detailed e-mail to 30,000 "rapid responders" who will help generate a barrage of calls to senators and letters to editors saying the landmark Roe v. Wade decision could be in danger. About 800,000 supporters will receive a more general warning and call to arms.

These elaborate opening-day plans are the product of years of preparation and months of drills by groups that see the nomination as the most important social policy battle of the Bush presidency. The plans also reflect the conclusion by both sides that a potentially decisive advantage -- in momentum and public opinion -- can be gained or lost immediately after a White House announcement.

this whole process terrifies me. i can just imagine john cornyn on that court...