(follow-up on previous entry)
In Aaron Carter country, girls will be gross
It seems like only yesterday that male pop tart Aaron Carter was the object of a romantic rivalry between Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff.
But apparently that trauma was nothing compared with the indignity of a recent concert in Orlando, where Carter says he was pelted with a used feminine hygiene product.
"They threw it on stage at me!" the 17-year-old Carter, younger brother of Backstreet Boy Nick, told Lowdown at Miss Sixty's ELLEgirl magazine party the other night. "I was like, 'Ooooh! My God! I got hit with it! Oh my God!' I walked off the stage."
Carter added: "I've never told anyone before."
On the terrace of Splashlight Studios, Carter leaned close and continued his confessional.
"I have fans that are older women that are, like, fortysomething," he said. "They know everything about you, and they complain about how you look, like, 'Oh my God, we like your hair like this, and this.' I'm like, 'Shut up, I don't care!' There's this one older guy in particular. He's got this Aaron Carter doll. 'Remember me? You signed this for me three years ago.' And I'm just like, 'Yeah, I remember that, I gotta go, see ya later.'"
Carter's act of unburdening himself was apparently therapeutic: When he took his leave, instead of shaking hands at the end of the interview, he insisted on giving Lowdown a warm hug.
Lloyd Grove's Lowdown