Sunday, December 31, 2006

Plausible text

A Technorati search on Sir Philip Sidney points you to this page:

It appears to be computer-generated spam blog, but I love two things:
the pun on having a blog about shoes w/ footnotes
and the change in register from "correlative abstract" to "snowman art."

I've started to save many of the spam emails sent to me at work, because I'm fascinated by the "plausible text" appended so they can pass through spam filters. I'm receiving cut-ups of the zeitgeist in my inbox.

An incidental thought: can spam filters get any better, excepting changes at the margin? That is, is there any systematic way to distinguish (with 95% accuracy) between text written by a computer concatenating random strings from web searches and text written by a human with some sort of rhetorical purpose? If so, won't that drive spammers to make their algorithms generate more humanlike emails--that is, emails that fall in the zen koan to L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poetry section of the sense range?

if so, do spam algorithms count as poetics? or at least as art?

(Paul Graham on "How Art Can Be Good")

Sorry about how disjointed this is; I'm still getting back into the rhythm of thinking in writing, so I'm trying to post more regularly. You can't get good w/o getting.