by the end of the year, i want to get paid for publishing a poem.
i feel incredibly presumptious being proud of my writing, but the lesson i've learned this year is that doing something and feeling embarrassed about it isn't the same as not doing it. i /am/ proud of my writing, so i may as well act that way and get life to hurry up and beat me up. (years ago, i built an internet site to host my poetry. but in the course of writing the html and building the pages, i became more and more embarrassed by the poems, so i moved the whole thing into frames, and added ridiculous footnotes. somehow i thought that would cancel out.)
in general, whenever i've told myself i should not do something because it would be highly embarrassing, i've been right about the embarrassment but not about the not-doing.
so i'm going to try this.
action items
--put together a packet of my best work, so that i know what i have
--write lines and fragments of lines on index cards rather than keeping them in a hundred different word files
--email paul violi or michael golston to see if i can meet with them to get advice on publishing.