I'm coming down w/ a sore throat, and I can neither get well enough to be able to sleep nor sick enough to justify skipping work. It's just congestion, so I don't even feel that bad, except for the stupid throat pain.
I don't have a good sense of what triggers skipping work. There are at least three standards that I consider:
1) I am notably sick and should skip, to avoid infecting others.
2) I am sick enough that normal daily functioning is distractingly painful.
3) I am sick enough that my head is too cloudy to think clearly.
1 is obviously a cop-out. 2 and 3 require some support of justification point, but I certainly don't have one. Right now, the standard is high because I have meetings that I don't want to knock off track. When I'm particularly frustrated or exhausted, a bad headache will keep me in.
Do grown-ups have any agreed-upon code of work-skipping? Does it vary with age?