Friday, April 13, 2007


I didn't get that Vonnegut post to say quite what i wanted it to say, but I did manage to cut out quite a bit that wasn't what I wanted to say. In the Googling I did to help me say the things I was going to say but didn't, I stumbled across this lovely piece about Timequake, written by a guest blogger on Michael Berube's blog.

Also, while I'm linking around, I've been thoroughly enjoying this blog on cheating in baseball. He links to a handful of ninety-year-old articles on baseball. My favorite may be the piece on the emery ball, for the era of baseball it describes, when the development of the curveball was still in recent memory and the spitball was cutting edge. It was a wilder, less-regulated, looser time, and it's helped me imagine an alternate contemporary baseball in which that was still true.