Wednesday, July 04, 2007

1. I did nothing remotely patriotic for the 4th, besides posting on HvA about the Haitian immigrants held in camps in Guantanamo Bay during the early 1990's. Somehow, I feel like I can ethically be patriotic, despite this country's history and current government, if I translocate my pride and respect to progressive institutions and a constructed dissident and activist "tradition."

Fair enough, I guess. But I can tell there are some emotions beneath there that I don't particularly want to interrogate. (Then again, at one point I was convinced that it was my moral duty to sign up to go to Iraq. I'm easily confused.)

2. Since, I guess, it's self-analysis and deconstruction day, I may as well mention that I really want to go see this art exhibition, of inside-out teddy bears (via BoingBoing, I think). They're fascinating, if slightly disturbing.

From the press release:

In this body of work Rogowski presents a delicate and sensational series of teddy bear portraits. The bears appear different than ordinary stuffed animals. They have been turned inside out, re-stuffed and sewn back together, transforming them, creating entirely new creatures. The result of this enabled metamorphosis is a new kind of bear, sometimes grotesque or pathetic but often rather endearing. These new emblems no longer sustain the perfect image of childhood, but break apart this image into a complex picture of youth and development.

3. Blogging may not be making me a better writer, but I am beginning to recognize more and more of my little tics. Like "more and more," for instance.

Another new development: I really like Ben Jonson. I want to write about Volpone, now.